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1. Who was made a leper for her insubordination, but was quickly healed? a. Bathsheba b. Jezebel c. Miriam d. Vashti
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2. Who was the diviner hired by the king of Moab to curse Israel? a. Abiram b. Balaam c. Dathan d. Korah
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3. Leviticus 16 speaks of a goat which "shall bear on itself all their inequities to a barren region." Of what ceremony is this goat a part? a. Daily sin offerings b. Day of Atonement c. Passover d. Ritual purification of priests
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4. What did circumcision signify according to the book of Genesis? a. that God would never destroy the earth again by flood b. the birth of Ishmael c. the covenant God made with Abraham and his descendants d. the memory of taking Isaac to Mt. Moriah
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5. In Leviticus, the priestly line is established with the consecration of whom? a. Aaron b. Eli c. Moses d. Zadok
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6. Whom did Isaac marry? a. Leah b. Rachel c. Rebekah d. Tamar
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7. What is the name of Moses' brother, who went with Moses to Pharaoh? a. Aaron b. Caleb c. Jethro d. Joshua
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8. In the days of Noah, why was the Lord grieved in heart and sorry that he had made humankind on the earth? a. Cain slew Abel. b. God foresaw the building of the tower of Babel. c. Noah's children uncovered his nakedness. d. The wickedness of humankind was great and the inclination of their hearts was evil.
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9. What is the tenth and last plague that struck the land of Egypt before the exodus of the Hebrews? a. The death of the first born son in all Egyptian homes b. The land had darkness for three days c. The land was full of flies d. The Nile was turned to blood
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10. Abraham was called by God to go out of what place? a. Arabia b. Canaan c. Egypt d. Haran
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11. Which of the following is not in the ten commandments? a. "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy." b. "You shall be holy, for I the Lord your God am holy." c. "You shall not commit adultery." d. "You shall not steal."
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12. Whom did Jacob cheat out of his birthright? a. Esau b. Isaac c. Ishmael d. Joseph
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13. Which book contains an account of Moses' death and burial? a. Exodus b. Leviticus c. Numbers d. Deuteronomy
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14. What did the mission of the twelve spies accomplish? a. It caused Miriam to sing a song of victory to the Lord. b. It caused the rod of Aaron to sprout forth buds and bear ripe almonds. c. It incited Moses to strike a rock twice so that water came forth. d. It resulted in Israel remaining in the wilderness for 40 years.
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15. Where was Aaron required to sprinkle blood on the Day of Atonement? a. on every Israelite who confessed sin b. on his sons who represented the people of Israel c. on the mercy seat (the covering of the ark of the covenant) d. on the scapegoat sent into the wilderness
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16. What was the name of Abraham's relative who lived in Sodom? a. Ammon b. Hagar c. Keturah d. Lot
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17. Along with the manna, what meat did God provide for the Israelites during the wilderness wandering? a. goat b. lamb c. pork d. quail
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18. Who called Samuel by name in the middle of the night? a. Eli b. Elkanah c. Hannah d. the Lord
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19. Who was spared in the destruction of Jericho? a. Dinah b. Lot and his family c. Rahab and her household d. Tamar
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20. The duties of a "next of kin" figure strongly in what book? a. Judges b. Ruth c. 1 Kings d. Esther
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21. "Then the Israelites did what was evil in the sight of the Lord and worshiped the Baals, and they abandoned the Lord, the God of their ancestors." This comment is typical of what book? a. Joshua b. Judges c. 1 Samuel c. 2 Samuel
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22. To whom did God say, "My servant Moses is dead. Now proceed to cross the Jordan, you and all this people, into the land that I am giving to them, to the Israelites"? a. Aaron b. Gideon c. Joshua d. Samson
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23. Who was the prophet who promised that David would never lack an heir to sit upon the throne in Jerusalem? a. Ahijah b. Deborah c. Elijah d. Nathan
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24. Which of the judges refused to be elected king? a. Deborah b. Ehud c. Gideon d. Samson
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25. What did Nathan say would be the consequences of David's sin with Bathsheba? a. broken treaties with neighboring allies b. his army being unprepared c. tolerating idols d. trouble within his own household
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26. Who led 300 men with trumpets, empty jars, and torches against Midian? a. Deborah b. Ehud c. Gideon d. Jephthah
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27. Which book records Israel's crossing the Jordan to take possession of the land? a. Joshua b. Judges c. 1 Samuel d. 2 Samuel
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28. Who directed a battle fought by certain tribes against the Canaanites? a. Deborah b. Jael c. Miriam d. Ruth
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29. Who anointed Saul king? a. Jonathan b. the judges of Israel c. the Levites d. Samuel
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30. Who was the Canaanite army commander defeated by Deborah and Barak at the River Kishon? a. Anak b. Cushan c. Ehud d. Sisera
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31. Whose prophecy contains God's instructions about how the prophet is to name his children? a. Ezekiel b. Hosea c. Amos d. Micah
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32. "Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf unstopped" is found in which of the following? a. Isaiah b. Lamentations c. Daniel d. Amos
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33. In what book is the vision of a new covenant to be written on the hearts of God's people found? a. Jeremiah b. Hosea c. Amos d. Micah
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34. Which book opens with these words: "How lonely sits the city that once was full of people! How like a widow has she become, she that was great among the nations! She that was a princess among the provinces has become a vassal"? a. Nehemiah b. Jeremiah c. Lamentations d. Ezekiel
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35. Regarding whom was the following said: "I have found among the exiles from Judah a man who can tell the king the interpretation"? a. Isaiah b. Jeremiah c. Ezekiel d. Daniel
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36. "Thus says the Lord of hosts: So will I break this people and this city, as one breaks a potter's vessel, so that it can never be mended" is found in which of the following? a. Jeremiah b. Ezekiel c. Hosea d. Amos
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37. When the sailors cast lots to determine who had caused their calamity, what did they do to Jonah? a. They arrested him. b. They put him in chains. c. They put him in the hold of the ship. d. They threw him overboard.
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38. Which prophet describes this sign: "Look, the young woman...shall bear a son, and shall name him Immanuel"? a. Isaiah b. Jeremiah c. Micah d. Malachi
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39. Which prophet addressed most of his oracles to Israel although he was from Judah? a. Hosea b. Amos c. Obadiah d. Malachi
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40. Which book contains the following quotation" "But he was wounded for our transgressions, crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the punishment that made us whole, and with his bruises we are healed"? a. Isaiah b. Jeremiah c. Ezekiel d. Daniel
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41. "Woe is me, my mother, that you ever bore me, a man of strife and contention to the whole land" is most characteristic of which prophetic book? a. Jeremiah b. Ezekiel c. Hosea d. Amos
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42. Which prophet was commanded, "O mortal, eat what is offered to you; eat this scroll, and go, speak to the house of Israel"? a. Jeremiah b. Ezekiel c. Jonah d. Micah
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43. Why was Daniel cast into the den of lions? a. He asked to return to Jerusalem. b. He ate the forbidden meat. c. He insisted on praying to his God. d. He prophesied the destruction of the empire.
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44. Which prophet said, "Truly I do not know how to speak, for I am only a boy"? a. Isaiah b. Jeremiah c. Ezekiel d. Amos
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45. According to Ezekiel 1:1, when did Ezekiel's visions occur? a. before the Babylonian invasion b. during the Babylonian exile c. immediately following the fall of Samaria and the northern kingdom d. shortly after Solomon's death, when the kingdom was divided
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46. What was the name of Jeremiah's scribe? a. Balaam b. Barnabas c. Baruch d. Benjamin
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47. Which book contains many passages concerning a "servant of the Lord"? a. Isaiah b. Lamentations c. Ezekiel d. Amos
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48. Which book contains the following quotation: "Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth"? a. Job b. Proverbs c. Ecclesiastes d. Song of Solomon
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49. Which book asks, "A capable wife who can find"? a. Job b. Psalms c. Proverbs d. Ecclesiastes
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50. The Psalm often used as an assurance of pardon, "He does not deal with us according to our sins, nor requite us according to our iniquities" also includes which line? a. "For as the heavens are high above the earth, so great is his steadfast love toward those who fear him." b. "Hear my cry, O God, listen to my prayer; from the end of the earth I call to thee" c. May God be gracious to us and bless us, and make his face to shine upon us." d. "O lord, open thou my lips, and my mouth shall show forth thy praise."
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51. Which of these statements is from Job? a. "A time to kill and a time to heal" b. "Avert the evil design of Haman" c. "Curse God, and die" d. "The Lord will keep you from all evil"
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52. In which book is the following quotation: "The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my deliverer, my God, my rock in whom I take refuge"? a. Job b. Psalms c. Proverbs d. The Song of Solomon
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53. Where does the following quotation occur: "A wise child makes a glad father, but a foolish child is a mother's grief"? a. Job b. Psalms c. Proverbs d. Ecclesiastes
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54. In which book is the bride referred to as a "rose of Sharon, a lily of the valleys"? a. Job b. Proverbs c. Song of Solomon d. Hosea
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55. In which book do we find the directive to praise God with music and dance? a. Ruth b. Psalms c. Proverbs d. Song of Solomon
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56. Which book contains the following statement: "A human mind plans the way, but the Lord directs the steps"? a. Job b. Psalms c. Proverbs d. Ecclesiastes
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57. Where does this quotation appear: "Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked I shall return there; the Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord"? a. Job b. Psalms c. Proverbs d. Song of Solomon
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58. To whom did Jesus address this statement: "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me"? a. inner circle of disciples b. John the Baptist c. synagogue audience d. the Sanhedrin
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59. Which of the following said, "My God, my god, why have you forsaken me"? a. Jesus b. John the Baptist c. Judas Iscariot d. Stephen
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60. Which of the following asked to be seated at the right and left hand of Jesus in his glory? a. James and John b. Matthew and Judas c. Peter and Andrew d. Philip and Thomas
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61. Which of the following correctly completes Jesus' saying: "No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back..."? a. is fit for the kingdom of God b. shall be called a prophet of the Most High c. shall be exalted in heaven d. shall inherit the earth
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62. Which of the following went to the tomb on Easter morning to anoint the body of Jesus? a. Cleopas b. John Mark c. Mary Magdalene d. Peter
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63. Which of the following is not one of the "I am" sayings of Jesus in the Gospel of John? a. the good shepherd b. the resurrection and the life c. the suffering servant d. the true vine
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64. Which of the following did not earn his living by fishing? a. James b. John c. Matthew d. Peter
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65. What was Thomas's response when Jesus offered to let him touch his hands and side? a. "My Lord and my God." b. "Our Lord and Savior." c. "You are the Christ, the Son of God." d. "You are the King of Israel."
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66. When Jesus interprets the parable of the sower in Mark, he says that the sower was sowing which of the following? a. mustard seed b. seeds of kindness c. tares among the wheat d. the word
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67. What was Zacchaeus's profession? a. centurion b. fisherman c. priest d. tax collector
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68. To whom was Jesus referring when he said, "He is Elijah who is to come"? a. John the Baptist b. Simeon c. Zacchaeus d. Zechariah
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69. Who helped carry the cross for Jesus on the way to Golgotha? a. Bartimaeus b. Joseph c. a Roman soldier d. Simon of Cyrene
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70. Which of the following is not a saying of Jesus? a. "God helps those who help themselves." b. "Prophets are not without honor, except in their hometown, and among their own kin." c. "The sabbath was made for humankind, not humankind for the sabbath." d. "Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick."
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71. To what do the parables of leaven, wheat, and tares, hidden treasure, and the dragnet all refer? a. instruction given to the seventy b. the end of the world c. the kingdom of heaven d. the second coming
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72. Which words immediately follow this statement from John 20:30-31: "Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not written in this book. But these are written so that you may come..."? (Note: The NIV uses "Christ" where the NSRV uses "Messiah.") a. "to believe that Jesus is the Messiah." b. "to believe that Jesus is the Son of God." c. "to have life in Jesus' name." d. "to know all the signs that Jesus did."
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73. Which of the following was not one of Jesus' temptations? a. "All these I will give you, if you will fall down and worship me." b. "Command these stones to become loaves of bread." c. "If you are the messiah, walk over the sea of Galilee." d. "If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down."
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74. In the Fourth Gospel, who calls Jesus the Lamb of God? a. John the Baptist b. Mary Magdalene c. Nathaniel d. Peter
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75. What was the answer given to the scribe's question: "Which commandment is first of all"? a. "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you." b. "Love one another as I have loved you." c. "Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and all these things shall be yours as well." d. "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength."
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76. Which Gospel contains the parable of the Good Samaritan? a. Matthew b. Mark c. Luke d. John
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77. What did the disciples of Jesus do to replace Judas? a. They commissioned Matthew to record the teaching of Jesus in a Gospel. b. They decided that the eleven disciples who had then received the Holy Spirit were sufficient. c. They elected a man converted on the day of Pentecost. d. They elected a man who had been with Jesus throughout his ministry.
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78. In which epistle does Paul state his desire to visit Spain? a. Romans b. 1 Corinthians c. Galatians d. Philemon
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79. What word completes the following quotation: "And it was in _______ that the disciples were first called 'Christians'"? a. Antioch b. Caesarea c. Damascus d. Jerusalem
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80. Where does Paul preach a sermon about the unknown god? a. Antioch b. Athens c. Lystra d. Philippi
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81. Which letter contains the following quotation"...and when he had given thanks, he broke it, and said, 'This is my body that is for you. Do this in remembrance of me'"? a. 1 Corinthians b. 2 Corinthians c. Galatians d. 1 Thessalonians
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82. When Paul was brought to trial, he was able to set Pharisees against Sadducees by raising what issue? a. fate versus free will b. justification by faith c. paying taxes to Caesar d. resurrection of the dead
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83. "Since all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, they are justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus" is a theme from which of the following? a. Paul's letter to Rome b. Paul's sermon at Mars Hill c. Paul's second letter to Corinth d. Peter's sermon at Pentecost
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84. According to the second chapter of Acts, the early followers of Jesus received the Holy Spirit during what feast? a. Booths b. Dedication c. Passover d. Pentecost
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85. Paul's words in 1 Corinthians concerning the excellence of love come in the midst of a discussion concerning what? a. marriage b. salvation of the gentiles c. spiritual gifts d. the resurrection of Christ
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86. "Wretched man that I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death?" is a cry from whom? a. Paul b. Peter c. Silas d. Titus
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87. What was Peter's accusation against Ananias and Sapphira (who sold property while keeping back some of the proceeds)? a. They dishonored the name of Jesus. b. They lied to God. c. They spoke blasphemous words. d. They were filled with new wine.
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88. To which church did Paul write a letter before ever visiting them? a. Athens b. Corinth c. Philippi d. Rome
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89. Where does the following quotation appear: "But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as children"? a. 1 Corinthians b. Galatians c. Ephesians d. 1 Thessalonians
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90. Under intense persecution, Paul says in Philippians that "living is Christ." What, then, is dying? a. gain b. God c. loss d. Satan
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91. According to the opening chapter of Acts, for how many days did the resurrected Jesus appear to the apostles? a. 3 b. 12 c. 40 d. 50
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92. Why do we love, according to 1 John? a. because Christ has forgiven our sins b. because God first loved us c. because love is the fulfillment of the law d. because love never fails
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93. To whom is the Book of Revelation addressed? a. seven churches in Asia b. the church in Jerusalem c. the church in Rome d. the Roman emperor
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94. According to the letter of James, what are the elders of the church to do for sick church members? a. Ask the minister to visit them. b. Ask the whole church to pray for them. c. Call a physician. d. Pray over them and anoint them with oil.
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95. What does 2 Peter say to help Christians understand the delay of the coming of the day of the Lord? a. It doesn't really matter whether the Lord comes again or not. b. The Lord has already come in the person of the Holy Spirit. c. The Lord will surely come soon. d. With the Lord one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.
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96. What will happen to the lukewarm Christians in Laodicea? a. One like a Son of Man will spit them out of his mouth. b. They will be cast into hell. c. They will be rebuked. d. They will be warmed up.
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97. What does James say stains the whole body and is set on fire by hell? a. pride b. sexual passion c. the love of money d. the tongue
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98. Which of the following is a central concern in 1 Timothy? a. circumcision b. eschatology c. orphans d. widows
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99. In which book does this line of argumentation appear: "Perhaps this is the reason he was separated from you for a while, so that you might have him back forever, no longer as a slave but more than a slave, a beloved brother"? a. Galatians b. 1 Timothy c. 2 Timothy d. Philemon
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100. Which book compares Jesus to Melchizedek? a. Hebrews b. James c. 1 Peter d. 2 Peter
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