2000 Bible Content Exam

All biblical quotations have been taken from the NRSV.

The questions here are the property of the Presbyterian Church (USA).  Internet version software and formatting are copyright ©2000-2023 by Stephen A. Whitney. All rights reserved.

1. According to the book of Leviticus, which group is to purify themselves and make sacrifices on certain occasions?

a. servants
b. sojourners
c. soldiers
d. women

Bible reference for question 1 or the reference with options

2. Where was the Passover instituted?

a. Egypt
b. Jericho
c. Peniel
d. the heights of Moab

Bible reference for question 2 or the reference with options

3. Of which of the following was Jethro a priest?

a. Bethel
b. Midian
c. Moab
d. Ur of the Chaldees

Bible reference for question 3 or the reference with options

4. After the exodus from Egypt, God met the Israelites at which mountain?

a. Mt. Carmel
b. Mt. Zion
c. Mt. Hermon
d. Mt. Sinai

Bible reference for question 4 or the reference with options

5. Leviticus 16 speaks of a goat which "shall bear on itself all their iniquities to a barren region." Of what ceremony is this goat a part?

a. Daily sin offerings
b. Day of Atonement
c. Passover
d. Ritual purification of priests

Bible reference for question 5 or the reference with options

6. According to Leviticus, what should happen to all who curse father or mother?

a. They should be driven out from the people.
b. They should be put to death.
c. They should go to the priests to be purified.
d. They should offer a sacrifice.

Bible reference for question 6 or the reference with options

7. Which of the following was a result of the mission of the twelve spies?

a. Miriam sang a song of victory to the Lord.
b. The rod of Aaron sprouted forth buds and bore ripe almonds.
c. Moses struck a rock twice so that water came forth.
d. Israel remained in the wilderness for 40 years.

Bible reference for question 7 or the reference with options

8. In Deuteronomy, God's choice of Israel to be a people for God's own possession is said to be on account of what?

a. God's forgiveness and understanding.
b. God's love and promise.
c. Israel's love and patience.
d. Israel's righteousness and mercy.

Bible reference for question 8 or the reference with options

9. "Then Moses, the servant of the Lord, died there in the land of Moab . . . but no one knows his burial place to this day" is found in which book?

a. Exodus
b. Numbers
c. Deuteronomy
d. Joshua

Bible reference for question 9 or the reference with options

10. Whom did Isaac marry?

a. Leah
b. Rachel
c. Rebekah
d. Tamar

Bible reference for question 10 or the reference with options

11. What is the tenth and last plague that struck the land of Egypt before the exodus of the Israelites?

a. The first born son in each Egyptian home died.
b. The land was dark for three days.
c. The land was full of flies.
d. The Nile was turned to blood.

Bible reference for question 11 or the reference with options

12. Who gave Eve her name, and why?

a. God, because she was destined to suffer.
b. The man, because she led him astray.
c. The man, because she was the mother of all living.
d. God, because she was taken out of the man.

Bible reference for question 12 or the reference with options

13. According to Genesis, what is the origin of Ammon and Moab?

a. They were twin sons of Hagar.
b. They were sons of Lot and his daughters.
c. They came with Lot's family from Sodom.
d. They were sons of Abraham born after Sarah's death.

Bible reference for question 13 or the reference with options

14. What happened when Sarai was taken into the Pharaoh's house?

a. The Pharaoh's first-born son died.
b. The Pharaoh was blessed by God for her sake.
c. The Pharaoh's house was afflicted with plagues.
d. The Pharaoh made her son Moses his heir.

Bible reference for question 14 or the reference with options

15. What did Sarah, Rebekah, Rachel, and Hannah all have in common?

a. They all appear in the Pentateuch.
b. They were all barren.
c. They all shared their husbands with other women.
d. They were all foreign women.

Bible reference for question 15 or the reference with options

16. For what are the midwives Shiphrah and Puah most famous?

a. They assisted in the birth of Esau and Jacob.
b. They defied the Pharaoh's orders and were blessed by God.
c. They placed Moses in a basket and hid him in the river.
d. They averted a plague by their quick action.

Bible reference for question 16 or the reference with options

17. Who thought Israel would easily be able to overcome the Canaanites?

a. Balaam
b. Caleb
c. Gershon
d. Korah

Bible reference for question 17 or the reference with options

18. In whose field did Ruth glean?

a. Boaz's
b. Elimelech's
c. Mahlon's
d. Naomi's

Bible reference for question 18 or the reference with options

19. Which of the judges refused to be elected king?

a. Jephthah
b. Ehud
c. Gideon
d. Samson

Bible reference for question 19 or the reference with options

20. Which enemies of the Israelites did Samson fight?

a. the Edomites
b. the Gibeonites
c. the Moabites
d. the Philistines

Bible reference for question 20 or the reference with options

21. Which of the following did David do?

a. He took Michal again to be his wife.
b. He used his own army to seize Jerusalem
c. He was anointed king of the northern tribes.
d. all of these

Bible reference for question 21 or the reference with options

22. Who led a revolt against King David?

a. Absalom
b. Jeroboam
c. Nathan
d. Saul

Bible reference for question 22 or the reference with options

23. Who were separated from one another by a chariot and horses of fire?

a. Elijah and Elisha
b. Hezekiah and Isaiah
c. Ezekiel and Zechariah
d. Moses and Joshua

Bible reference for question 23 or the reference with options

24. "If only my lord were the prophet who is in Samaria! He would cure him of his leprosy" is found in the story of which of the following?

a. Ahab
b. Hezekiah
c. Naaman
d. Nathan

Bible reference for question 24 or the reference with options

25. Who said the following: "I am doing a great work and I cannot come down. Why should the work stop while I leave it and come down to you?"

a. Ezra to the Levites, during the reading of the law.
b. Haggai to Zerubbabel, during the building of the second temple.
c. Solomon to Hiram, during the building of the first temple.
d. Nehemiah to Sanballat, during the building of the wall of Jerusalem.

Bible reference for question 25 or the reference with options

26. To whom did God say, "My servant Moses is dead. Now proceed to cross the Jordan, you and all this people, into the land that I am giving them, to the Israelites"?

a. Aaron
b. Gideon
c. Joshua
d. Samson

Bible reference for question 26 or the reference with options

27. When did Hannah sing a song of thanksgiving to God?

a. After Israel's victory over Midian
b. After the blessing by Eli
c. After the birth of Samuel
d. After the death of Sisera

Bible reference for question 27 or the reference with options

28. Who said to David, "If I am still alive, show me the faithful love of the Lord, but if I die, never cut off your faithful love from my house . . ." ?

a. Absalom
b. Jonathan
c. Uriah
d. Solomon

Bible reference for question 28 or the reference with options

29. The decree of Cyrus regarding the reconstruction of the Jerusalem Temple may be found in which book?

a. 1 Kings
b. 2 Kings
c. Ezra
d. Daniel

Bible reference for question 29 or the reference with options

30. Who or what killed Sisera, commander of a Canaanite army?

a. a bear
b. a lion
c. an earthquake
d. a woman

Bible reference for question 30 or the reference with options

31. Regarding whom was the following said: "I have found among the exiles from Judah a man who can tell the king the interpretation"?

a. Isaiah
b. Jeremiah
c. Ezekiel
d. Daniel

Bible reference for question 31 or the reference with options

32. In which book do the following quotations appear: "The righteous live by their faith"; "the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord"; and "In wrath may you remember mercy"?

a. Hosea
b. Amos
c. Micah
d. Habakkuk

Bible reference for question 32 or the reference with options

33. In what book are the following quotations found: "a shoot shall come out from the stump of Jesse"; "the lion shall eat straw"; "the nursing child shall play over the hole of the asp"?

a. Isaiah
b. Ezekiel
c. Daniel
d. Amos

Bible reference for question 33 or the reference with options

34. King Uzziah, seraphs, and "holy, holy, holy" are associated with which prophet?

a. Isaiah
b. Jeremiah
c. Ezekiel
d. Daniel

Bible reference for question 34 or the reference with options

35. Where is Israel referred to repeatedly as the servant of the Lord?

a. Isaiah 1-12
b. Isaiah 13-23
c. Isaiah 40-55
d. Isaiah 56-66

Bible reference for question 35 or the reference with options

36. "Thus says the Lord of hosts: So will I break this people and this city, as one breaks a potter's vessel, so that it can never be mended" is found in which of the following?

a. Jeremiah
b. Ezekiel
c. Hosea
d. Amos

Bible reference for question 36 or the reference with options

37. "Seek the Lord while he may be found, call upon him while he is near" is from which of the following?

a. Isaiah
b. Jonah
c. Micah
d. Nahum

Bible reference for question 37 or the reference with options

38. Which prophet said that God's law will be written on the hearts of the house of Israel?

a. Jeremiah
b. Ezekiel
c. Hosea
d. Micah

Bible reference for question 38 or the reference with options

39. Which book contains the following: "They shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks"?

a. Daniel
b. Hosea
c. Jonah
d. Micah

Bible reference for question 39 or the reference with options

40. Which prophet said, "Truly I do not know how to speak, for I am only a boy"?

a. Isaiah
b. Jeremiah
c. Ezekiel
d. Amos

Bible reference for question 40 or the reference with options

41. This quotation appears in which prophetic book: "Then the Lord said, 'Name him Lo-ammi, for you are not my people and I am not your God'"?

a. Amos
b. Ezekiel
c. Hosea
d. Jonah

Bible reference for question 41 or the reference with options

42. In which book do these quotations appear: "Cursed by the day on which I was born!"; "Why does the way of the guilty prosper?"; and "Is there no balm in Gilead?"

a. Jeremiah
b. Ezekiel
c. Hosea
d. Job

Bible reference for question 42 or the reference with options

43. Whose voice is prominent in the book of Lamentations?

a. Rachel's
b. Huldah's
c. Zion's
d. Naomi's

Bible reference for question 43 or the reference with options

44. Who brought Jeremiah from imprisonment to ask him, "Is there any word from the Lord?"

a. Baruch
b. Gedaliah
c. the princes of Judah
d. Zedekiah

Bible reference for question 44 or the reference with options

45. In which book does the following quotation appear: "What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God"?

a. Ezekiel
b. Hosea
c. Micah
d. Amos

Bible reference for question 45 or the reference with options

46. Which passage appears in the book of Joel?

a. "I desire steadfast love and not sacrifice."
b. "I hate, I despise your festivals, and I take no delight in your solemn assemblies."
c. "The Lord is in his holy temple; let all the earth keep silence for him."
d. "I will show portents in the heavens and on the earth, blood and fire and columns of smoke."

Bible reference for question 46 or the reference with options

47. Of whom is it reported, "the men knew that he was fleeing from the presence of the Lord"?

a. Hosea
b. Elijah
c. Jonah
d. Jeremiah

Bible reference for question 47 or the reference with options

48. How is the following verse from Psalm 24 completed: "Lift up your heads, O gates, and be lifted up, O ancient doors . . ."?

a. ". . . await the mercy of your God."
b. ". . . enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise."
c. ". . . that the King of glory may come in."
d. ". . . give thanks and praise to the LORD of hosts, for his mercy endures forever."

Bible reference for question 48 or the reference with options

49. In the Psalms, what words immediately follow these: "He does not deal with us according to our sins, nor requite us according to our iniquities"?

a. "For as the heavens are high above the earth, so great is his steadfast love toward those who fear him."
b. "Hear my cry, O God, listen to my prayer; from the end of the earth I call to you."
c. "May God be gracious to us and bless us, and make his face to shine upon us."
d. "O Lord, open my lips, and my mouth will declare your praise."

Bible reference for question 49 or the reference with options

50. ". . . The silver cord is snapped, and the golden bowl is broken, and the pitcher is broken at the foundation and the wheel is broken at the cistern, and the dust returns to the earth as it was." To what does this description refer?

a. exile
b. human death
c. the turning of the seasons
d. the fate of the wicked

Bible reference for question 50 or the reference with options

51. According to Proverbs, from whom will the son who seeks wisdom be saved?

a. the fools
b. the loose woman
c. the wiles of the devil
d. the wicked foreigners

Bible reference for question 51 or the reference with options

52. What is the first line of Psalm 1?

a. "Happy are those who do not follow the advice of the wicked. . . "
b. "O Lord, our Sovereign, how majestic is your name in all the earth!"
c. "The earth is the Lord's and all that is in it . . ."
d. "The heavens are telling the glory of God; and the firmament proclaims his handiwork."

Bible reference for question 52 or the reference with options

53. Which words follow this verse from the book of Psalms: "How very good and pleasant it is when kindred live together in unity . . ."?

a. ". . . but a contentious woman breeds strife."
b. ". . . working vindication and justice for all who are oppressed."
c. ". . . but all day long my enemies taunt me."
d. ". . . it is like the precious oil on the head."

Bible reference for question 53 or the reference with options

54. In what book does the following quotation occur: "But again, this also was vanity"?

a. Job
b. Proverbs
c. Ecclesiastes
d. Song of Solomon

Bible reference for question 54 or the reference with options

55. Which of the following is NOT a quotation from the Song of Solomon?

a. "Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth!"
b. "My beloved had a vineyard on a very fertile hill."
c. "I am black and beautiful, O daughters of Jerusalem."
d. "My mother's sons were angry with me; they made me keeper of the vineyards."

Bible reference for question 55 or the reference with options

56. Which statement does Proverbs 31 NOT include as a description of "a good wife"?

a. "Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised."
b. "For her love is better than wine, her anointing oils are fragrant."
c. "Her children rise up and call her happy."
d. "She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue."

Bible reference for question 56 or the reference with options

57. Which of these received an inheritance?

a. Zipporah, Miriam, and Puah, from Moses.
b. Jemimah, Keziah, and Keren-happuch, from Job.
c. Bathsheba, Michal, and Abigail, from David.
d. Naomi, Ruth, and Orpah, from Elimelech.

Bible reference for question 57 or the reference with options

58. According to Luke, in the Nazareth synagogue, Jesus read which of the following from the book of Isaiah?

a. "All we like sheep have gone astray."
b. "Listen to me, you who know righteousness."
c. "The Lord called me before I was born, while I was in my mother's womb he named me."
d. "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me."

Bible reference for question 58 or the reference with options

59. In John 1, how is John the Baptist introduced?

a. as a kinsman of Jesus
b. as a man sent from God
c. as one from the wilderness
d. as one of God's prophets

Bible reference for question 59 or the reference with options

60. Which of the following teachings is not found in Matthew?

a. "Blessed are the poor in spirit."
b. "You are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church."
c. "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites."
d. "Remember Lot's wife."

Bible reference for question 60 or the reference with options

61. What did the householder say when many excused themselves from the householder's great banquet?

a. "Bring in the poor, the crippled, the blind, and the lame."
b. "I will never again drink of the fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it new in the kingdom of God."
c. "I will send my beloved son; perhaps they will respect him."
d. "It will be hard for a rich person to enter the kingdom of heaven."

Bible reference for question 61 or the reference with options

62. How is this saying completed: "Blessed are the peacemakers..."?

a. "...for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."
b. "...for they will be called children of God."
c. "...for they will inherit the earth."
d. "...for they will see God."

Bible reference for question 62 or the reference with options

63. How does the gospel of John present John the Baptist?

a. It describes John's dietary practices.
b. It does not refer to John the Baptist.
c. It includes the story of John's beheading.
d. It describes John the Baptist as one sent ahead of the Messiah.

Bible reference for question 63 or the reference with options

64. Which of the following familiar phrases is NOT taken from the Bible?

a. "Doctor, cure yourself!"
b. "Prophets are not without honor, except in their hometown."
c. "Relax, eat, drink, be merry."
d. "To your own self be true."

Bible reference for question 64 or the reference with options

65. How is this question completed: "For which is easier, to say, 'Your sins are forgiven,' or to say..."

a. "'...follow me.'"
b. "'...I have come to call not the righteous but sinners to repentance.'"
c. "'...stand up and walk.'"
d. "'...whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit can never have forgiveness.'"

Bible reference for question 65 or the reference with options

66. Which prophet figures most prominently in the gospels?

a. Amos
b. Elijah
c. Haggai
d. Jeremiah

Bible reference for question 66 or the reference with options

67. "So the last will be first, and the first will be last" comes at the conclusion of which parable?

a. the barren fig tree
b. the lost sheep
c. the sheep and the goats
d. the laborers in the vineyard

Bible reference for question 67 or the reference with options

68. What did the woman who had a flow of blood for twelve years believe would bring about her healing?

a. persuading the disciples to help her
b. standing in Jesus' shadow when he walked past
c. stepping into the pool of Bethsaida
d. touching Jesus' clothing

Bible reference for question 68 or the reference with options

69. Pilate said which of the following?

a. "I am not a Jew, am I?"
b. "I find no case against him."
c. "So you are a King?"
d. all of the above

Bible reference for question 69 or the reference with options

70. Which of the following asked to be seated at the right and left hand of Jesus?

a. James and John
b. Matthew and Judas
c. Peter and Andrew
d. Philip and Thomas

Bible reference for question 70 or the reference with options

71. Which of the following is NOT one of Jesus' temptations?

a. "All these I will give you, if you will fall down and worship me."
b. "Command these stones to become loaves of bread."
c. "Command the angels to minister to you."
d. "If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down."

Bible reference for question 71 or the reference with options

72. Which two Gospels include genealogies of Jesus?

a. Matthew and Mark
b. Matthew and Luke
c. John and Mark
d. John and Luke

Bible reference for question 72 or the reference with options

73. Which statement is NOT characteristic of the Gospel of John?

a. "No one has ever seen God. It is God the only son, who is close to the Father's heart, who has made him known."
b. "They fell down before him and shouted, 'You are the Son of God!' But he sternly ordered them not to make him known."
c. "Those who do what is true come to the light."
d. "What is born of the flesh is flesh, and what is born of the Spirit is spirit."

Bible reference for question 73 or the reference with options

74. In the Gospel of John, to whom does the risen Lord first appear?

a. Peter
b. The Beloved Disciple
c. Mary Magdalene
d. Mary and Martha

Bible reference for question 74 or the reference with options

75. Mark's Gospel (original ending at 16:8) concludes with which of the following words?

a. "And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age."
b. "You are witnesses of these things."
c. "These are written so that you may come to believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the son of God."
d. "They said nothing to anyone, for they were afraid."

Bible reference for question 75 or the reference with options

76. "A person is a Jew who is one inwardly, and real __________ is a matter of the heart--it is spiritual and not literal." What is the missing word?

a. circumcision
b. conversion
c. love
d. sacrifice

Bible reference for question 76 or the reference with options

77. Which of the following baptized the man known as the Ethiopian eunuch?

a. Barnabas
b. Peter
c. Philip
d. Stephen

Bible reference for question 77 or the reference with options

78. In 2 Corinthians, what words conclude the following sentence: "So if any one is in Christ, there is..."

a. "...much rejoicing in heaven."
b. "...a new relationship with Christ."
c. "...friendship with God."
d. "...a new creation."

Bible reference for question 78 or the reference with options

79. To which church did Paul write a letter before visiting them?

a. Athens
b. Corinth
c. Philippi
d. Rome

Bible reference for question 79 or the reference with options

80. Freedom in Christ is a major theme of which book?

a. 1 Corinthians
b. Galatians
c. Philippians
d. Colossians

Bible reference for question 80 or the reference with options

81. Stephen's words before the council rehearse which part of Israel's history?

a. the destruction of Jerusalem
b. the exile of Israel
c. the patriarchs and the exodus
d. the return of Judah from exile

Bible reference for question 81 or the reference with options

82. When Paul was brought to trial, he was able to set Pharisees against Sadducees by raising what issue?

a. fate versus free will
b. justification by faith
c. paying taxes to Caesar
d. resurrection of the dead

Bible reference for question 82 or the reference with options

83. "For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord's death until he comes." From which letter does this quotation come?

a. Romans
b. 1 Corinthians
c. Ephesians
d. 1 Timothy

Bible reference for question 83 or the reference with options

84. In which epistle does Paul indicate that he is in prison?

a. Romans
b. 2 Corinthians
c. Galatians
d. Philippians

Bible reference for question 84 or the reference with options

85. In which book does this line of argumentation appear: "Perhaps this is the reason he was separated from you for a while, so that you might have him back forever, no longer as a slave but more than a slave, a beloved brother"?

a. Galatians
b. 1 Timothy
c. 2 Timothy
d. Philemon

Bible reference for question 85 or the reference with options

86. How does this quotation from Philippians end: "Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling..."

a. "...for faith without works is dead."
b. "...it is God who is at work in you, enabling you both to will and to work for his good pleasure."
c. "...for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs."
d. "...for the one who is righteous will live by faith."

Bible reference for question 86 or the reference with options

87. What is the conclusion of this retrospective view of Paul's career: "I have fought the good fight..."

a. "...and Christ has given me the victory."
b. "...and my strength is made perfect in weakness."
c. "...I have finished the race, I have kept the faith."
d. "...my head is bloody but unbowed."

Bible reference for question 87 or the reference with options

88. According to Ephesians, what is God's ultimate plan for "the fullness of time"?

a. to baptize all nations
b. to convince all the earth to praise God
c. to make every tongue confess Jesus as Lord
d. to gather up all things in Christ

Bible reference for question 88 or the reference with options

89. Who addressed the men of Judea at Pentecost?

a. James
b. Paul
c. Peter
d. Stephen

Bible reference for question 89 or the reference with options

90. Which of the following describes a woman named Lydia, who appears in Acts?

a. She was a dealer in purple cloth.
b. She was a widow devoted to acts of charity.
c. She was the wife of Ananias.
d. She was a slave-girl with a spirit of divination.

Bible reference for question 90 or the reference with options

91. With which words does the following statement from 1 John conclude: "And the world and its desire are passing away, but those who do the will of God..."

a. "...discover joy."
b. "...fear no one."
c. "...are justified by faith."
d. "...live forever."

Bible reference for question 91 or the reference with options

92. Which of the following completes this quotation from Revelation: "And I saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem..."?

a. "...all the nations shall stream to it, many peoples shall come."
b. "...coming down out of heaven from God."
c. "...the exalted among the nations, exalted in the earth."
d. "...founded upon the rock of our salvation."

Bible reference for question 92 or the reference with options

93. In which book is the writer's main purpose to demonstrate the supremacy of Christ over the Old Testament institutions and to call upon his readers to be faithful?

a. John
b. Acts
c. Colossians
d. Hebrews

Bible reference for question 93 or the reference with options

94. According to the letter of James, what are the elders of the church to do for sick church members?

a. Ask the minister to visit them.
b. Ask the whole church to pray for them.
c. Call a physician.
d. Pray over them and anoint them with oil.

Bible reference for question 94 or the reference with options

95. "...He entered once for all into the Holy Place" is said of Christ in what book?

a. 1 Timothy
b. Hebrews
c. 1 Peter
d. Jude

Bible reference for question 95 or the reference with options

96. The following quotation, "Show me your faith apart from your works, and I by my works will show you my faith" is found in which epistle?

a. 2 Timothy
b. Titus
c. Philemon
d. James

Bible reference for question 96 or the reference with options

97. Which of the following refer to believers as "aliens and exiles," "a chose race," and "a royal priesthood"?

a. the Johannine epistles (1, 2, 3 John)
b. the Petrine epistles (1 and 2 Peter)
c. the Pastoral epistles (1 and 2 Timothy, Titus)
d. the Book of Revelation

Bible reference for question 97 or the reference with options

98. Which of the following New Testament books begin with these words: "We declare to you what was from the beginning, what we have heard, what we have seen with our eyes, what we have looked at and touched with our hands, concerning the word of life..."

a. Luke
b. Revelation
c. James
d. 1 John

Bible reference for question 98 or the reference with options

99. In the book of Revelation, what does John say will happen to the souls of those who have been beheaded for their testimony to Jesus and for the word of God?

a. They will be caught up in the clouds.
b. They will wash their robes and make them white in the blood of the Lamb.
c. They will come to life and reign with Christ a thousand years.
d. They will hunger and thirst no more.

Bible reference for question 99 or the reference with options

100. In the book of Revelation, which group falls before the one who is seated on the throne and casts their crowns before the throne?

a. the Laodiceans
b. the four living creatures
c. the twenty-four elders
d. the seven churches

Bible reference for question 100 or the reference with options

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