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1. The Ten Commandments are recorded in which two books? a. Genesis and Numbers b. Exodus and Numbers c. Exodus and Deuteronomy d. Numbers and Deuteronomy
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2. When Moses asked for a successor, who was named? a. Aaron the brother of Moses b. Caleb the son of Jephunneh c. Eleazar the priest d. Joshua son of Nun
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3. By what means were the Israelites guided through the wilderness after they left Egypt? a. Jethro and his family b. Moses' knowledge of the area c. The pillars of cloud and of fire d. The reconnaissance of the twelve spies
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4. Abraham was called by God to go out of what place? a. Arabia b. Canaan c. Egypt d. Haran
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5. When Abram and Sarai went to Egypt, he asked her to say she was his sister. What resulted? a. Abraham repented and tried to change Sarai's course. b. Pharaoh married Sarai, and she bore a son. c. Pharaoh was glad because Sarai was very beautiful, and he asked Abraham to oversee his estates. d. The Lord afflicted Pharaoh, and Abraham departed with great wealth.
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6. When Abraham divided the land with him, what land did Lot choose? a. the hill country b. the plain of the Jordan c. the Negev d. the plain of Esdraelon
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7. According to Deuteronomy, what will be the result of God's blessings toward Israel? a. faithfulness b. prosperity c. purity d. righteousness
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8. Who was the child of Hagar and Abraham? a. Dinah b. Esau c. Isaac d. Ishmael
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9. When God told Abraham to sacrifice Isaac, what did Abraham do? a. He cursed the day of his birth. b. He pleaded for God to relent. c. He sacrificed his younger son instead. d. He took Isaac to the land of Moriah.
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10. Whose story involved the following: the city of Nahor, a water jar, and Isaac? a. Hagar's b. Leah's c. Rebekah's d. Sarah's
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11. Which of these events is not from the life of Abraham? a. the defeat of a coalition of kings b. the promise of a son in old age c. the "sacrifice" of Isaac d. working seven years for a wife
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12. Which person does NOT appear in the stories about Abraham? a. Isaac b. Ishmael c. Joseph d. Melchizedek
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13. To which tribe did Moses belong? a. Dan b. Judah c. Levi d. Simeon
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14. Who sang, "Sing to the Lord, for he has triumphed gloriously; horse and rider he has thrown into the sea? a. Aaron b. Balaam c. Joshua d. Miriam
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15. Israelite law demanded scrupulous care in the treatment of the blood of slain animals. What reason for this is given in Leviticus? a. Blood is holy b. Blood is inedible c. Blood is life d. Blood is the choicest part of the animal
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16. When John's Gospel says, "As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness...," to what story in Numbers is it referring? a. The destruction of a pagan idol b. The divine protection of Moses c. The healing of the Israelites from serpent bites d. Moses' rod
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17. Who asked her husband to take a concubine and later demanded that he cast the concubine out? a. Leah b. Lot's wife c. Rachel d. Sarah
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18. Where did Joshua send two men as spies? a. Gilgal b. Jericho c. Lebanon d. Shittim
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19. Which of the following was a judge? a. Deborah b. Miriam c. Naomi d. Ruth
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20. What were Shamgar, Gideon, and Jephthah? a. Judges b. Priests c. Princes d. Singers
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21. Who said to Nathan the prophet, "See now, I am living in a house of cedar, but the ark of God stays in a tent"? a. David b. Hezekiah c. Saul d. Solomon
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22. The boy Samuel served God under which of the following leaders? a. Eli b. Hophni c. Phineas d. Saul
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23. The commands "Bring me a sword" and "Divide in two" occur in a story that illustrates which of the following? a. Abner's desire for revenge b. Benaiah's loyalty to Solomon c. Joab's blood-thirstiness d. Solomon's wisdom
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24. What was Nehemiah's role in Susa? a. ambassador from Judah b. cupbearer to the king c. eunuch d. scribe of the Lord
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25. Who said, "Sun, stand still at Gibeon"? a. Elisha b. Jephthah c. Joshua d. Moses
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26. Where does the following quotation appear: "Choose this day whom you will serve...but as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord"? a. Exodus 15 b. Numbers 6 c. Deuteronomy 6 d. Joshua 24
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27. Why was Gideon's fighting force reduced to 300 men before they fought the Midianites? a. Gideon could not count on the allegiance of his men b. God did not want Israel to be able to say that "my own hand has delivered me." c. The Midianite army was very small. d. The rest of Gideon's army had fled away.
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28. Who brought down the house in Gaza? a. Deborah b. Ehud c. Gideon d. Samson
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29. Which heir to the throne of David was supported by Nathan and Zadok? a. Absalom b. Adonijah c. Jeroboam d. Solomon
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30. King Hiram was most closely associated with which of the following? a. Babylon b. Israel c. Judah d. Tyre
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31. Which two prophets proclaimed that in the future "the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established as the highest of the mountains... [and] people shall stream to it"? a. Amos and Hosea b. Haggai and Zechariah c. Hosea and Jeremiah d. Micah and Isaiah
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32. When some of the people exiled to Babylon returned to Jerusalem during the Persian period, who urged them to rebuild the temple? a. Haggai b. Jonah c. Malachi d. Micah
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33. In Isaiah 7, what is Ahaz's response to the Lord's demand to ask for a sign "deep as Sheol or high as heaven"? a. To challenge Isaiah b. To refuse to ask for a sign c. To request a sign d. To walk away in anger
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34. Which prophet was thrown overboard by shipmates in order to calm a stormy sea? a. Jeremiah b. Ezekiel c. Hosea d. Jonah
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35. Which prophet was in prison during the Babylonian siege of Jerusalem? a. Isaiah b. Jeremiah c. Hosea d. Joel
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36. ". . . yet he bore the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors" is a quotation from which book? a. Isaiah b. Jeremiah c. Ezekiel d. Amos
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37. Who said: "As I was among the exiles by the river Chebar, the heavens were opened and I saw visions of God." a. Isaiah b. Ezekiel c. Daniel d. Amos
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38. "For thus said the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel: In returning and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and in trust shall be your strength" is found in which book? a. Isaiah b. Ezekiel c. Daniel d. Jonah
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39. Which prophet was in Judah at the time of the fall of Jerusalem? a. Amos b. Isaiah c. Jeremiah d. Ezekiel
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40. Which prophet was brought in a vision to Jerusalem during the exile? a. Amos b. Isaiah c. Jeremiah d. Ezekiel
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41. "Woe is me, my mother, that you ever bore me, a man of strife and contention to the whole land" was said by whom? a. Jeremiah b. Ezekiel c. Hosea d. Amos
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42. "Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf unstopped" is found in which of the following? a. Isaiah b. Lamentations c. Daniel d. Amos
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43. When did Ezekiel's visions occur? a. Before the Babylonian invasion b. During the Babylonian exile c. Immediately following the fall of Samaria and the northern kingdom d. Shortly after Solomon's death, when the kingdom was divided
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44. Which book contains the following: "As I watched in the night visions, I saw one like a human being coming with the clouds of heaven. And he came to the Ancient One and was presented before him"? a. Ezekiel b. Daniel c. Hosea d. Amos
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45. This quotation appears in which prophetic book: "Then the Lord said, 'Name him Loammi, for you are not my people and I am not your God.'"? a. Amos b. Ezekiel c. Hosea d. Jonah
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46. What interpretation is given to Ezekiel's vision of the valley filled with dry bones? a. A new covenant will be written on the heart. b. The exiles will be brought back to the land. c. The armies led by Gog will be totally destroyed. d. This is the valley of decision.
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47. Amos prophesied during the reign of which king of Israel? a. David b. Jeroboam II c. Manasseh d. Solomon
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48. "If our God, whom we serve, is able to deliver us from the furnace of blazing fire and out of your hand, O king, let him deliver us" is found in what book? a. Esther b. Ezekiel c. Daniel d. Joel
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49. Which of the following completes the quotation from Proverbs: "A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word..."? a. "...accomplishes much." b. "...captures attention." c. "...enjoys obedience." d. "...stirs up anger."
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50. Which theme characterizes Psalm 91? a. God's law b. The establishment of covenant c. The folly of human sin d. The power and protection of God
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51. Which two female figures appear in the book of Proverbs? a. Wisdom and the "loose woman" b. Wisdom and Righteousness c. Zion and Righteousness d. Zion and Babylon
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52. God answers out of the whirlwind in response to which individual? a. David b. Job c. Lemuel d. Solomon
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53. "Lord, you have been our dwelling place in all generations" is found in which book? a. Job b. Psalms c. Ecclesiastes d. Lamentations
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54. "My child, keep your father's commandment, and do not forsake your mother's teaching" is found in which book? a. Job b. Proverbs c. Ecclesiastes d. Song of Solomon
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55. "One day the heavenly beings came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan also came among them." In which book are these words written? a. Job b. Psalms c. Proverbs d. Ecclesiastes
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56. Which saying does NOT appear in the book of Ecclesiastes? a. "Vanity of vanities! All is vanity." b. "For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven." c. "Who is this that darkens counsel by words without knowledge?" d. "It is better to go to the house of mourning than to go to the house of feasting."
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57. "How very good and pleasant it is when kindred live together in unity!" is found in which book? a. Job b. Psalms c. Proverbs d. Ecclesiastes
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58. Which subject is NOT discussed in the book of Proverbs? a. Behavior toward fools b. Behavior in the temple c. Behavior in the king's house d. Behavior toward the poor
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59. Who was the passerby forced to carry Jesus' cross? a. Caiaphas of Jerusalem b. Joseph of Arimathea c. Lazarus of Bethany d. Simon of Cyrene
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60. Where was Jesus baptized? a. In the Dead Sea b. In the Jordan River c. In the Mediterranean Sea d. In the Sea of Galilee
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61. Which two of Jesus' disciples were sons of Zebedee? a. James and John b. Peter and John c. Simon and Andrew d. Simon and James
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62. What is the major theme in John 10? a. Jesus as bread of life b. Jesus as good shepherd c. Jesus as Son of Man d. Jesus as true vine
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63. In what town or city did Jesus grow up? a. Bethlehem b. Capernaum c. Jerusalem d. Nazareth
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64. In which Gospels are the beatitudes found? a. Matthew and Luke b. Mark and Luke c. Mark and John d. Luke and John
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65. According to the Gospel of John, why was the Gospel written? a. So that "you may come to believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that through believing you may have life in his name." b. So that "your joy may be complete." c. To present "an account of the genealogy of Jesus the Messiah, the son of David, the son of Abraham." d. To set down "an orderly that you may know the truth concerning the things about which you have been instructed."
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66. Which title appears most frequently in Mark? a. Son of David b. Messiah c. Son of God d. Son of Man
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67. Who, upon dying, was carried away by the angels to be with Abraham? a. John the Baptist b. Lazarus c. Sarah d. Simon Peter
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68. Which of these figures is NOT an element in Jesus' parables of the kingdom? a. A grain of mustard seed b. A pearl of great value c. Yeast d. Living water
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69. Who said: "I have not come to bring peace, but a sword? a. Herod b. Jesus c. John the Baptist d. Pilate
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70. The Gospel according to Matthew contains: a. "And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church." b. "...baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." c. "When the Son of Man comes...he will separate people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats." d. All of the above
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71. To whom did Jesus address this statement: "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me"? a. Inner circle of disciples b. John the Baptist c. Synagogue audience d. The Sanhedrin
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72. Which of the following phrases continues the story beginning with the words: "And a woman in the city, who was a sinner..." (Luke 7:37)? a. "began to bathe his feet with her tears." b. "begged him to cast the demon out of her daughter." c. "came up behind him and touched the fringe of his cloak." d. "put in two small copper coins."
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73. In the Gospel of John, when did Jesus say, "Father the hour has come; glorify your Son so that the Son may glorify you"? a. After his baptism by John the Baptist b. After his farewell discourses with his disciples c. After his trial before Pilate d. On his way to Golgotha
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74. What was Thomas's response when Jesus offered to let him touch his hands and side? a. "My Lord and my God." b. "Our Lord and Savior." c. "You are the Christ, the Son of God." d. "You are the King of Israel."
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75. Stories about Mary and Martha appear in which two Gospels? a. John and Matthew b. Matthew and Luke c. Mark and John d. John and Luke
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76. Which of Paul's letters maintains that "the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night"? a. Romans b. Ephesians c. Colossians d. 1 Thessalonians
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77. In Galatians, what does Paul claim is the source of his gospel? a. A revelation of Jesus Christ b. An event on the Damascus road c. Personal reflection d. The apostles in Jerusalem
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78. When Paul responds to the problem created by some Christians who ate meat that had been offered to idols, offending the consciences of others, what does he advise? a. That both sides ignore the problem since it was unimportant b. That both sides pray for guidance c. That the meat-eaters refrain from eating meat for the sake of weaker brothers and sisters d. That the meat-eaters ignore the complaints of their weaker brothers and sisters
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79. Paul writes, "Do not be overcome by evil, but..." a. "be wise as serpents and innocent as doves." b. "become all things to all people." c. "overcome evil with good." d. "overcome the evil one."
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80. Where does Paul cite these words as being "of first importance": "that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the scriptures, and that he was buried, and that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the scriptures"? a. 1 Corinthians b. Galatians c. Philippians d. Colossians
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81. Fill in the blank: "Since, then, we have such a hope, we act with great boldness, not like Moses, who put _________ to keep the people of Israel from gazing at the end of the glory that was being set aside." a. a veil over his face b. blindness in the eyes of his people c. boundaries about the mountain d. his staff to the rock
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82. Which of these themes may be said to be characteristic of Ephesians? a. Defense of Paul's authority b. Dissension in the church c. Explanation of the Second Coming d. Unity in Christ
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83. The epistle to the Colossians describes Christ as which of the following? a. The first-born from the dead b. The first-born of all creation c. The image of the invisible God d. All of these
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84. Which of the following concerns does 1Timothy address at length? a. Children b. Drunkards c. The rich d. Widows
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85. In which letter does Paul say that "the greatest of these is love"? a. Galatians b. 1 Corinthians c. Romans d. 2 Corinthians
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86. In which letter does Paul maintain that "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God"? a. Romans b. 1 Corinthians c. 2 Corinthians d. Galatians
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87. In which letter does Paul maintain, "There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus"? a. Philippians b. Galatians c. Romans d. Ephesians
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88. What issue does Peter's vision address prior to his visit to Cornelius in Caesarea? a. Gentiles receiving the word of God b. The stoning of Stephen c. The appointment of a new disciple d. The preaching of the Gospel
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89. In the first chapter of Acts, what words complete Jesus' commission to the apostles: "But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you: and ..."? a. lo, I am with you always, to the close of the age." b. peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you." c. this is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you." d. you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."
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90. Paul's argument in Romans regarding the advantage of Jews over Gentiles emphasizes which of the following? a. That they are circumcised b. That they are entrusted with the oracles of God c. That they are judged by the law d. That they are justified by works
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91. The example of Melchizedek is used by the author of Hebrews in discussing what? a. Christian tithing b. Jesus' death as a sacrifice c. The messiahship of Jesus d. The priesthood of Jesus
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92. In which letter is the following question central? "What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if you say you have faith but do not have works? Can faith save you?" a. Galatians b. Ephesians c. Hebrews d. James
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93. According to 1 Peter, what is the appropriate response when one suffers as a Christian? a. To endure b. To pray c. To rejoice d. To boast in one's suffering
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94. Which of the following New Testament books warns: "Children, it is the last hour! As you have heard that antichrist is coming, so now many antichrists have come. From this we know that it is the last hour"? a. 1 John b. Revelation c. James d. Hebrews
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95. In the book of Revelation, what does John say will happen to the souls of those who have been beheaded for their testimony to Jesus and for the word of God? a. They will be caught up in the clouds b. They will wash their robes and make them white in the blood of the Lamb. c. They will come to life and reign with Christ a thousand years. d. They will hunger and thirst no more.
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96. According to Hebrews, why is Jesus able to sympathize with our weakness? a. Because he has been tested as we are b. Because he was poor as some of us are c. Because he was rejected as we are d. Because he was born in human likeness
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97. To whom is the book of Revelation addressed? a. Seven churches in Asia b. The church in Jerusalem c. The church in Rome d. The Roman emperor
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98. In what way does the book of Hebrews describe faith? a. "Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen." b. "Since we are justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ...." c. "So faith by itself, if it has no works, is dead." d. "...that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith."
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99. Which of the following completes this quotation from Revelation: "And I saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem..."? a. "all the nations shall stream to it, many peoples shall come." b. "coming down out of heaven from God." c. "exalted among the nations, exalted in the earth." d. "founded upon the rock of our salvation."
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100. Hebrews describes which of the following as "living, and active, sharper than any two-edged sword"? a. The tongue of a woman b. The word of God c. The wiles of the devil d. The truth of Christ
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